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Fundraising is crucial for the PTO because it provides the financial resources necessary to support PTO sponsored events. By engaging in fundraising efforts, the PTO can ensure that the school has the support it needs to thrive and offer enriching opportunities for all students.

Upcoming Fundraisers & Spirit Nights:

  • 9/11 - 9/25: Fall fundraiser with Pop! 

  • 9/23 - 9/27: Marco's pizza box Spirit Night! Students will decorate a pizza box in class and you can have it delivered to your home. 50% of the proceeds go to the PTO

  • 11/19: Jimmy Changas Spirit Night! 20% of all sales go to the school. Dine-in and Carryout!

  • 12/8: iCode Spirit Night! Finish your Christmas shopping or have a date night of fun games and coding. 40% of proceeds go to the PTO

The majority of our funds come from:


Membership fees

VIP Parking Auction for after school pickup

Our Annual Fall Festival 

Fall Fundraiser

Monthly Spirit Nights​

Direct Donations

Want to make a direct donation?

When you make a direct donation, it ensures that 100% of the contribution goes directly to the PTO. Additionally, it simplifies the process, allowing for an immediate impact! You can make a direct donation through Paypal using the link below: 

Box Tops for Education
Box Tops is now done digitally. Just download the Box Tops App and take a picture of your receipt! It will scan the receipt and forward any credits to Duke directly. Be sure to click the "give credit" button and put your child's teacher's name. 
Kroger Rewards 
Kroger Community Rewards makes fund-raising easy....all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! Once logged into your account, click on Community and then Kroger Community Rewards to add Duke to your account.
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